Ryan and Kaeleigh
I guess it could have been hotter because we didn’t melt. We really had great light to work with on this shoot. The old barn provided some neat texture and warmth to the images. Ryan, you did a great job. You look great in these. What a fabulous smile you have! Kaeleigh came along to get in a few shots and since she is a junior this year I am looking forward to doing her Senior session next summer. The sports shots were a ton of fun to take and I got a bit carried away. I have so many great ones. If mom gets a storybook we can put in a bunch of the soccer images. That would make a treasure for their family. Enjoy Everyone. Comments are welcome too.
Lakeside Fun
Wow, we sure had fun last weekend. These are just a smidgen of the fabulous photos that were taken of Taylor. Mike came along as my assistant extraordinaire and even Mom got in on the action. Taylor is a kinda quieter personality who doesn’t go in for tons of dress-up and makeup. In some of these shots she looks like she wears a “going out dancing” dress everyday. Gorgeous. I really liked the simpler closeup images that really show off how pretty she is. Even her more serious poses have a flare and personality about them. Thanks Taylor for a wonderful time. I am so proud to be your family and senior photographer.
European Adventure (in Redding)
Can you guess where these images were taken? You bet. Right here in Redding. Do you like to feel like you have taken a trip to Italy? We can do it together. Here are some beautiful images from M’s Senior Photo Shoot. She wanted something unique and locations not commonly used for senior portraits. I know she would agree with me that these images capture her artistic spirit.
New Finishing Techniques to Enhance Your Portraits
Check out our new hand painted art pieces. I have been enjoying painting these and I would love your feedback and comments. The process takes hours as layers upon layers of paint and textures are applied to give a richness to the art. All created digitally of course.
Foothill High School Senior Portraits
Bryce is in the class of 2012 at Foothill High. We shot this a little later in the evening hoping it would be cooled down. It was still crazy warm. However, we did get some interesting cloud patterns at the sundial bridge that the sunset was lighting up. That was a bonus. Thanks Bryce for a fabulous shoot and I can’t wait to show you the rest of your images.
Tyler is an Ambassador for Diana Vader Photography
We had a great time last night shooting Tyler’s senior pictures. Using natural light, reflectors and portable flash we were able to get some beautiful shots of Tyler in with the water. My husband Mike and I climbed all over these boulders. My tripod had the weirdest configuration to get anchored. The long exposure shot has the water looking so cool. Thanks Tyler and Kristen for braving the mosquitos and slippery rocks. I just love how this shoot turned out.
Western and Water
We had such a good time yesterday with Nicole’s shoot. There was a country theme in the beginning and then it got fancy with a gorgeous dress and water. We had talked about a cowboy hat but she didn’t have time to get one so we hopped back over to our house and picked one up. I’m so glad we did because it was just perfect on her. After a very warm day.. 104 in Redding I was worried that we would melt but up at Whiskeytown Lake it was a cool 95. We were a little warm but once we got shooting we didn’t even notice it. I did something a photographer’s never supposed to do during a shoot. Can you guess what it was? No, I did not fall in the lake. I got teary-eyed. Nicole looked so pretty that I couldn’t help myself. Thanks Nicole for a fabulous time. Here’s your sneak peak.
Foothill High Yearbook Photographer
Diana Vader Photography is a chosen studio by the yearbook staff at Foothill High. You may have seen the letter that went out to Juniors with a list of approved photographers. That list is now the old list. The Yearbook Staff has updated the list to now include our studio.
We are sorry if there was any confusion or concern.
We are looking forward to taking the most amazing pictures of you and your friends so get the word out. Call us at 339-5988. visit us at www.dianavader.com seniors tab.
BFFs Super Model Shoot
Okay so I told the gals that they would probably get some attention while we were out on our shoot last night. Little did I know! So many people wanted to stop and watch our shoot that the gals felt like they were celebrities. It was a ton of fun and these pics are only a glimpse of the all the outfits and locations we shot.
There were some folks interested in my equipment and techniques and wanted to watch. I guess I could have held a workshop right there on the mall. For those of you who are interested.. I used a shoot through umbrella to balance the light and soften the skin. I also brought along a ginormous reflector with silver on one side and white on the other. We used that to light up the eyes and give that beautiful tone to the skin. I have touched some of these up using portraiture. Here’s the sneak peak
Senior Specials / Prom Picture Tip.
I’m getting ready to post some really cool H.S. Senior specials on Phototext. How do you get on Phototext? Text Vader Senior to 77007. I’ll send you an extra coupon. If you know one of my ambassadors then text their name to 77007. I’m booking up June as we speak so call now 530-339-5988.
I have a tip for prom pics. If you are getting your family to take your picture before the big night then I have an idea for a really cool picture. Go outside and have the sun at your back. Turn the pocket camera to backlit or force the flash to on. Then stand back to back with your friend/friends and lean forward toward the camera. Shoot the pic at eye level and then from below with you leaning forward even more. Check exposure to make sure it’s not too flared or washed out. Adjust your direction until the colors look right. Kick up your heels so we can see those shoes you paid a fortune for. Hope that helps. Send me your pics so I can see… diana@dianavader.com. I’ll post them on this blog post. I’ll send you a free touched up image for facebook. Look out, crazy colors and fun effects are coming your way.
Micaela is an Ambassador for Diana Vader Photography {Redding, CA Senior Photographer}
Text Micaela to 77007 to receive a special coupon off your H.S. Senior portraits.
Micaela likes photography, poetry, fashion, flowers and music. How fun. When she laughs the room lights up. WOW! We had a blast with this old Polaroid land camera. It belonged to my father-in-law who also loved photography. It weighs a ton. Walking around a fallen tree proved a bit hazardous. I stepped in a big hole but managed to stay up right. Good for a few laughs. My assistant Kelsie was wonderful and tried her hardest not to giggle at me. Apparently, I’m very funny to watch. One day we’ll have some video for everyone so you can see what silly things I do.
Micaela, you are simply wonderful to work with and beautiful. Thanks for a great afternoon shooting. I can’t wait to show you the whole shoot.
From cocoon forth a butterfly
As lady from her door
Emerged – a summer afternoon –
Repairing Everywhere
Emily Dickinson
H.S. Sophomores, If you are interested in becoming an ambassador for next year call me 530-339-5988. I choose 1 girl and 1 boy from each High School. They receive an extra shoot and lots of other fun things.
Studio Senior Images {Redding, CA Senior Photographer}
Chelsea was a doll on this shoot. I had so much fun. She just had us laughing the whole time. She is going to have so many to choose from because they were all so pretty. I had set up the studio equipment thanks to Baas Physical Therapy. Brian, Erin and Don Baas were kind enough to let me use their empty space and it was fabulous. It’s great to spread out and have some fun with the shoot. Thanks Chelsea for a great time.
Nicole is an Ambassador for Diana Vader Photography {Redding, CA Senior Photographer}
Wow it was chilly out there this morning but what beautiful light we had. And a beautiful subject. Nicole, I hope your cup of coffee warmed you up after our fun outing.
Music Man David is an Ambassador for Diana Vader Photography {Redding, CA Senior Photographer}
Thanks David for being such a great model. Loved hearing you sing inside the building. Congrats on the lead role in Music Man. That is “groovy”. Great Music, Great Guy. Text david to 77007 for a special offer on your senior portraits.
Michael’s Photo Shoot {Redding, CA Senior Photographer}
We headed out from Central Valley High School for a photo adventure. First we had to stop at the homestead to pick up a few things and talk over the clothing options. A little bit of ironing and we were out of there. It was a fun afternoon. 2 hours of non-stop shooting. Michael, you’re handsome, fun and like photography. That’s too cool. Enjoy these images. I can’t wait to show you the rest.
Chelsea’s Day {Redding, CA Senior Photographer}

Thanks Chelsea for a fabulous shoot. You are truly a natural beauty. I just loved having your “kids” there to share your special day.