Foothill High Yearbook Photographer
Diana Vader Photography is a chosen studio by the yearbook staff at Foothill High. You may have seen the letter that went out to Juniors with a list of approved photographers. That list is now the old list. The Yearbook Staff has updated the list to now include our studio.
We are sorry if there was any confusion or concern.
We are looking forward to taking the most amazing pictures of you and your friends so get the word out. Call us at 339-5988. visit us at seniors tab.
The Painter
Inspired by The Dancing Butler by Jack Vettriano I made this particular piece. One day I want to photograph the same image below on the beach. Anyone want to go? It will have to be a rainy blustery day with the sun peaking through on the east coast. I can see there may be some problems with this for those who want to go with me. Oh Well. See my color “painted” version of The Painter – You Paint My World.

BFFs Super Model Shoot
Okay so I told the gals that they would probably get some attention while we were out on our shoot last night. Little did I know! So many people wanted to stop and watch our shoot that the gals felt like they were celebrities. It was a ton of fun and these pics are only a glimpse of the all the outfits and locations we shot.
There were some folks interested in my equipment and techniques and wanted to watch. I guess I could have held a workshop right there on the mall. For those of you who are interested.. I used a shoot through umbrella to balance the light and soften the skin. I also brought along a ginormous reflector with silver on one side and white on the other. We used that to light up the eyes and give that beautiful tone to the skin. I have touched some of these up using portraiture. Here’s the sneak peak
Andrews SneakPeak
The wildflowers held out for us so we could get these incredible shots. Even with the heat last week, so we are so thankful. Thanks Bryce and Tristan for putting up with a very long hike and even a run at the end to catch sunset. Your beautiful family portrait for the home will be enhanced with these fun shots. Andrews Family, you are so fun and daring and outgoing. I can’t wait for our next session. Bryce, you are up for senior pics next!
For my photog friends, these images were taken with combination of reflector and portable flash units. A shoot through umbrella was used on the family images. The soft “last light” helped a bunch to get these fabulous colors at the flower field. I metered the scene and then set the flash units for 1 stop brighter. I could have done 2 stops brighter for a darker background. I’ll do some adjusting and post artistic effects to make this family portrait a fine art piece. For now, enjoy these straight out of the camera images.
Final Certification Images go there to see the final images I’ve submitted for Certification. Thanks to all my wonderful clients and their beatiful selves inside and out. Thanks also to all of you who voted on your favorites.
Senior Specials / Prom Picture Tip.
I’m getting ready to post some really cool H.S. Senior specials on Phototext. How do you get on Phototext? Text Vader Senior to 77007. I’ll send you an extra coupon. If you know one of my ambassadors then text their name to 77007. I’m booking up June as we speak so call now 530-339-5988.
I have a tip for prom pics. If you are getting your family to take your picture before the big night then I have an idea for a really cool picture. Go outside and have the sun at your back. Turn the pocket camera to backlit or force the flash to on. Then stand back to back with your friend/friends and lean forward toward the camera. Shoot the pic at eye level and then from below with you leaning forward even more. Check exposure to make sure it’s not too flared or washed out. Adjust your direction until the colors look right. Kick up your heels so we can see those shoes you paid a fortune for. Hope that helps. Send me your pics so I can see… I’ll post them on this blog post. I’ll send you a free touched up image for facebook. Look out, crazy colors and fun effects are coming your way.