Western and Water
We had such a good time yesterday with Nicole’s shoot. There was a country theme in the beginning and then it got fancy with a gorgeous dress and water. We had talked about a cowboy hat but she didn’t have time to get one so we hopped back over to our house and picked one up. I’m so glad we did because it was just perfect on her. After a very warm day.. 104 in Redding I was worried that we would melt but up at Whiskeytown Lake it was a cool 95. We were a little warm but once we got shooting we didn’t even notice it. I did something a photographer’s never supposed to do during a shoot. Can you guess what it was? No, I did not fall in the lake. I got teary-eyed. Nicole looked so pretty that I couldn’t help myself. Thanks Nicole for a fabulous time. Here’s your sneak peak.
Trip to Oregon Coast

Wow wow wow. A shout out to Russ at Hawk's Rest Ranch. The horseback ride on the beach was fab-you-lus. I was only a little saddle sore the next day. My friend Debra went with me and we walked around bow legged after that outing. The beach was amazing. This was my first trip up to Oregon and I was like a crazy woman runnning around photographing. The Cape Ferello lookout is unreal, fantastic and amazing. My favorite beach was Lone Ranch. Great for kids too. We saw the giant bunny rabbit at that beach. Here's some goodies I shot.The Bunny Rabbit